• Rocscience Slide Manual

    Rocscience Slide Manual

    !!Famous Software ftp download 2006!! I have the best SOFTWARE, if have who demand, write a letter for me. My email is: lanndyn(at)hotmail(dot)com. And analysis was carried out on Rocscience Phase2 using material properties as shown in Table 1. Rocscience Phase2 is a powerful 2D elasto-plastic finite.

    Read Excess Pore Pressure (B-bar method) text version Developer's Tip In this Developer's Tip, we highlight significant new functionality which has been added to Slide version 5.010, including: 1. The B-bar method of calculating excess pore pressure Rapid Drawdown Analysis using the B-bar method Using the Ru method with other pore pressure methods Air Entry Value for unsaturated shear strength Drained-Undrained shear strength model Excess Pore Pressure (B-bar method) By popular demand, an important new feature has been added to the latest Slide upgrade ­ the calculation of Excess Pore Pressure due to undrained loading, using the so-called 'B-bar' method. This feature allows you to account for short-term (transient) changes in pore pressure due to rapidly applied loading conditions. Constructed embankment causes excess pore pressure in clay foundation. With the 'B-bar' method, the change in pore pressure (referred to as 'Excess Pore Pressure') is assumed to be directly proportional to a change in vertical stress. The excess pore pressure is given by: u = B v Equation 1 where B (B-bar) is the overall pore pressure coefficient for a material.

    The change in vertical stress v can be due to: the weight of added layers of material, vertical external loads, vertical seismic loads, or a combination of these factors. For example, if an embankment is constructed over a clay foundation, this can create a temporary condition of excess pore pressure within the clay.

    Due to low permeability, the excess pore pressure within the clay cannot readily dissipate. A non-steady state situation then exists in which the elevated pore pressure can lead to lower safety factors, and possible failure. To enable the B-bar method in Slide, select Project Settings Groundwater Calculate Excess Pore Pressure. Project Settings dialog When this option is selected in Project Settings, you will be able to define B-bar coefficients for materials in the Define Material Properties dialog and define which materials cause the excess pore pressure (i.e. Added material layers). Defining B-bar for a material You can specify that a material causes excess pore pressure by selecting the 'Material weight creates excess pore pressure checkbox'. This implies that a material has been added to the Slide model, in a (relatively) short time period, such that the material weight induces excess pore pressure in underlying materials, which are not free-draining (i.e.

    Bbar coefficient 0). Defining a material as contributing to undrained loading The calculation of the final pore pressure when using the Slide B-bar method therefore consists of two stages: 1. Stage 1 - an initial pore pressure distribution is determined, using any of the available methods in Slide (e.g. Water surfaces, Ru coefficient, pressure grid, finite element analysis).

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    Stage 2 - the excess pore pressure is determined from the change in vertical stress and the B-bar coefficient for a material, according to Equation 1. The final pore pressure, which is used in the stability calculations, is the sum of the Initial Pore Pressure + Excess Pore Pressure. NOTE: the safety factor is only calculated at the 'final' stage after the final pore pressure (initial + excess) has been determined for all materials. A tutorial, which demonstrates the new B-bar feature of Slide can be found in the Slide Tutorial Manual ­ Part 3.

    Click here to view the PDF document, or click here to view a movie version of the tutorial. Rapid Drawdown Analysis The concept of excess pore pressure using the B-bar method can also be applied to unloading scenarios.

    If a load is removed quickly from a low permeability material, a 'negative excess pore pressure' can be induced. This can be used to simulate the pore pressure changes due to rapid drawdown of ponded water in earth dams. Rapid drawdown model of earth dam In the Slide Rapid Drawdown analysis: 1. The initial pore pressure distribution is determined using any of the available methods in Slide (e.g. Water surfaces, Ru coefficient, pressure grid, finite element analysis). The weight of the ponded water is computed.

    The change in pore pressure (B-bar method) can then be calculated, due to the removal (unloading) of the ponded water, according to Equation 1. The final pore pressure at any point (for B-bar materials) is the sum of the initial pore pressure and the (negative) excess pore pressure. For the purpose of the safety factor calculation, ALL ponded water is then removed from the model. To enable the Rapid Drawdown Analysis feature, select Project Settings Groundwater Calculate Excess Pore Pressure and then also select the Rapid Drawdown Analysis checkbox.

    Select checkbox for Rapid Drawdown Analysis By default, the Rapid Drawdown analysis in Slide represents a complete drawdown scenario and all ponded water is removed for the stability analysis. A partial drawdown state can be modeled by using distributed loads to simulate the remaining level of ponded water, and defining additional Piezometric lines, if necessary, to define pore pressure in free-draining materials. For a tutorial, which demonstrates the rapid drawdown option, see the SLIDE Tutorial Manual ­ Part 3. Click here to view the PDF document, or click here to view a movie version of the tutorial.

    Rocscience slide manual

    Other new features in Slide version 5.010. Three other significant features have also been added in SLIDE version 5.010 ­ 1. The Ru method of pore pressure calculation can now be used with other methods (e.g.

    Rocscience Slide Manual

    Water Table) within the same model. An Air Entry Value can now be specified when defining the Unsaturated Shear Strength Angle Phi-b. Drained-Undrained shear strength model. Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids In previous versions of Slide, the Ru method of pore pressure calculation could not be used in conjunction with other pore pressure methods. This restriction has now been removed with the addition of a new option in Project Settings. If you select Project Settings Groundwater Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids, you will be able to use the Ru pore pressure method in conjunction with either Water Surfaces or Pore Pressure Grids.

    Select checkbox in Project Settings If this option is selected, you will be able to define an Ru coefficient for a material, even if the primary Groundwater Method = Water Surfaces (or Water Grid). This is done by setting Water Surface = None (or Grid = Off) in the Define Materials dialog. You will then be able to enter an Ru coefficient for the material. Set Water Surface = None in order to define Ru value. Air Entry Value If you have performed a finite element seepage analysis with Slide and you are considering Unsaturated Shear Strength of materials in the matric suction zone (negative pore pressure), you may now define the Air Entry Value for the material, in addition to the Unsaturated Shear Strength Angle. Define Air Entry Value for Unsaturated Shear Strength The Air Entry value defines the value of matric suction at which the Unsaturated Shear Strength Angle (Phi-b) is used to calculate the shear strength.

    This results in a bilinear shear strength envelope. For matric suction below the Air Entry Value, the saturated effective stress friction angle is used, as shown in the following figure. Effect of air entry value (aev) on shear strength envelopes. Drained-Undrained Shear Strength Model A new soil strength model ­ the 'Drained-Undrained' option ­ has been added to the already extensive list of shear strength modeling options in Slide. The Drained-Undrained strength option allows you to define a soil strength envelope, which considers both drained and undrained Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters.

    The shear strength is defined in terms of effective stress parameters c' and phi', up to a maximum value of shear strength defined by the undrained cohesion Cu. For the simple case of constant cohesion (does not vary with depth), you can enter c'/Cu ratio, phi' and Cu directly in the Define Material Properties dialog. If cohesion varies with depth, then select the 'Cohesion varies with depth' checkbox and select the Define button.

    You will see another dialog, the Drained-Undrained Strength Properties dialog in which you can define the undrained and / or drained cohesion as a function of depth. The depth can be measured from the top of the material layer or from a datum elevation by selecting the F(Depth) or F(Datum) options. The drained cohesion can be specified as a fraction of the undrained cohesion using a c'/Cu ratio by selecting the F(undrained Cu) option. Or it may be defined as a function of depth independently of the undrained Cu, using the F(Depth) or F(Datum) options.

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    Rocscience Slide Manual